Fortune Trees Stone Lucky Five Colors 500gr

450.000VND 590.000VND -23%

The Fortune Tree of Five Colors has the effect of attracting fortune, luck, exorcism , chemical antiseptic, suitable for display of living room, workplace, business brings good energy to work and life.

In Stock

Product Description
+ Weight: 500 gr
+ Height: 16 cm
+ Horizontal: 10 cm
Lucky Colorful Stone Fortune Tree
Lucky Colorful Stone Fortune Tree
The wealth of feng shui is a symbol of prosperity and brings strong air. This is a favorite style item for business people. It also becomes one of the lucky gifts during Tet or celebrations. So what does this plant mean? Let”s see
Ancient people thought that the pure energy of quartz stone directly affects the material life and wealth of each person. Therefore, the higher purity quartz stone products, the more they will be used to put in the desk, helping us to work more intelligently and subtly, ...
Tree Of Fortune Set Of Desk

Tree Of Fortune Set Of Desk

The tree of fortune is a tree of luck that brings strong sand and fortune to those who own it. The inherent characteristic of quartz stone is to spread positive energy to the house and the people who own it, bringing convenience in business and luck in life, ...

The Fortune Stone Tree

The Fortune Stone Tree

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Address warehouse17 DT 743B Street, Dong Tan Quarter, Di An Ward, Di An City, Binh Duong.


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