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Elephant from ancient times until now is considered auspicious good luck. The hair of an elephant”s tail has the effect of exorcising, avoiding the wind - hit. Follow the article below to know the meaning and effects of the tail hair offline!

►The effect of feng shui.
♦ Bring luck to users. Many people believe that if you tie an elephant tail hair on your wrist, it will be very lucky.
♦ The tail of an elephant”s hair helps exorcise.
♦ Is a symbol of loyalty.
Meaning Elephant”s Hair
Meaning Elephant”s Hair
►The meaning of elephant hair.
♦ According to the opinion of the Ede people in the Central Highlands that the dragon tail is very lucky, those who own it will be lucky, avoiding the wind-hit.
♦ Elephant tail feathers symbolize love. There is a story that tells that in the Central Highlands there are couples who love each other but are prevented. The young man prayed to the elephant god for help, and their plea was answered, the elephant god gave them the tail hairs as a token, so that they could overcome all barriers and reach each other and live together forever. Since then the tail tail hair is considered as a love charm, luck in love.
♦ According to the village, the elephant is a very aquatic animal, the female elephant only mates with a male elephant for the whole life. If one of them is sold to another, when the mating season comes they will find each other together. If one of the animals dies, the other will refuse to mate with the other elephant, so the elephant is considered a faithful animal and the tail feathers also have this idea.
Elephant Tail Hair Exorcism
Elephant Tail Hair Exorcism
♦ You can buy elephant tail feathers and insert them in silver or gold rings to wear both aesthetically and significantly.
♦ It can be inserted into the ring to make an engagement or wedding ring will make the couple wear it will bring good luck and happiness in the marriage.
♦ Lovers in love buying each other donated elephant hairs will help feelings develop more.
♦ Currently due to the "level" of human demand is too high but few elephants, so some places they often take both buffalo tail, horsehair or made from rubber or PVC, .. to sell. So how to distinguish between real elephant hair and fake hair?
♦ You put the elephant tail hair in water for about 20 minutes. It is soft when the tail hair is removed from the water, but it is soft when it is drained, and if it is soft, it is made of rubber or plastic.
♦ Some of them burn hairs, real hair will smell like hair, while it smells like burning plastic, it is hair made of rubber. However, the coat of the buffalo and horse tail also has a strong smell, so it is difficult to tell which is the tail. For this method, it is only possible to distinguish between fur and fur made of rubber and PVC.
♦ If you want to distinguish most accurately, you have to wait for time.
♦ For real elephant hair, the longer it is used, the more durable it will be, and the false elephant hair will be fibrous and broken due to temperature and humidity.
Buy Quality Elephant Tails
Buy Quality Elephant Tails
♦ Fold the tail hairs, if true, the tail hairs are durable and the fracture rate is very low, and for the tail hair is fake, the probability of a broken tail is very high.
♦ Some people reported using elephant tail hair to floss teeth or burning up to get soot put into the deep roar will disappear.
In particular, elephant tail hair is an quintessential material to make souvenir products for tourists such as rings, bracelets, bangs, ... and many other items that can be made.
You are wondering where to buy elephant tail hair is reputable - high quality products. Nhà Nhà Tây Nguyên will help you solve this concern. The store guarantees to provide 100% real elephant tail hairs originating from the Central Highlands.
Price Elephant Feather How

Price Elephant Feather How

Receive goods within 6 hours.
Be exchanged for 15 days.
Address warehouse17 DT743B Street, Dong Tan Quarter, Di An Ward, Di An City, Binh Duong.

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