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How to choose feng shui quartz stone pillars according to destiny

Quartz stone pillars are often chosen by feng shui to be displayed in every space in the home and workplace with the symbolic meaning of fame, career, peace and luck. In order for the quartz stone pillar to maximize its use, the five elements are one of the important factors contributing to the inherent energy of the stone. To better understand, House on stilts will guide you on how to choose feng shui quartz stone pillars according to your destiny to aim for good things for the owner.
What does the quartz stone pillar mean in feng shui?
Quartz stone pillar is an item made from natural quartz stone with a vertical cylinder quite similar to Linga pillar, the higher it goes, the smaller and sharper the quartz stone pillar becomes at the top. The shape of the quartz stone pillar is a symbol of yang energy and contains a strong yang energy source.
According to feng shui, this stone pillar has a great influence on the spirit, health and luck of the user. Owning a quartz stone pillar not only helps to protect the family from the intrusion of harmful negative energies, but also reduces fatigue and stress.
Neutralize pure patterns in and out of society, thereby helping to keep the relationship of friends, colleagues, parents, children, husband and wife always smooth, harmonious and peaceful.
In particular, the quartz stone pillar also helps the owner to have a lot of luck at work, the career path is always open, promotion and development.
How to choose feng shui quartz stone pillars according to destiny
Those who are knowledgeable about feng shui stones, before buying any item, also choose feng shui stones suitable for their destiny, in order to help life and work always be peaceful and lucky. Therefore, if you do not know which quartz stone pillar your destiny will match, Nha Stilt will guide you on how to choose the right stone:
For par Kim: Talking about par Kim is talking about white color. People of this destiny need to choose for themselves white quartz stone pillars or crystal quartz pillars.
For par Moc: It will be very suitable for pink, black and blue quartz stone pillars.
For par Thuy: This person will be very suitable for a black quartz stone pillar that will help neutralize evil spirits, murderous gas and avoid accidents when participating in traffic.
For the Fire par: Referring to the Fire par, the colors pink, purple and red are mentioned. In particular, pink is not only the color of a love symbol, but also a symbol that helps to reassure people, enhance good sleep, increase creativity and ward off evil spirits.
For par Tho: Should choose stone pillars with yellow-brown color, brown quartz or brown earth. Because these colors will bring luck and bring comfort and relaxation to the spirit.
Note when using quartz stone pillars
You should choose quartz stone pillars with the right size for the space in your home or workplace. Note that you should choose colors that are compatible with your destiny and help you meet peace and luck.
Besides choosing feng shui items suitable for your destiny, you also need to choose the location and direction of placing the quartz stone pillar to suit feng shui. For example, stone pillars should be placed in the living room, office, bedroom and diagonally at the corner of the door. Avoid placing stone pillars in kitchens, toilets or other unsanitary locations.
Should choose to buy quartz stone pillars at reputable addresses to avoid buying the wrong products of poor quality. If you are in Saigon - Binh Duong, you can visit the House on stilts in the Central Highlands of Binh Duong for advice and choosing suitable feng shui products.
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