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What is the use of quartz bed?

The home is a place for us to reunite after hours and tired working days, so the house has a bad soil environment which will have a negative impact on the health of family members. To handle the geological phenomena, bad magnetic fields should be used with scattered quartz stone.

Quartz stone is known for its good feng shui energy, bringing fortune and prosperity to people. There is a strong energy source of rock helps eliminate evil, negative gas, geology and defecation very well, but today the quartz applied in this daily life of people is very popular.

Scattered Quartz Stones Bed

Scattered Quartz Stones Bed

In addition to quartz used to spread the floor, it is also used to spread the bedroom bed with the following uses:
♦ Improve the condition of prolonged insomnia, help you get a better sleep, deeper. Avoid having bad things in your dreams.
♦ Spreading quartz stones under the bed also helps the relationships of everyone in the family to become closer to each other, the affection of husband and wife also becomes more passionate.
♦ Help improve feng shui, fortune, ..
♦ Quartz stone scattered under the bed radiate strong energy, fighting off the bad gases emanating from the underground - causing health effects.
Using Bed Scattered Stone Will Be Like
Using Bed Scattered Stone Will Be Like
Where to buy Quartz stones ensure credibility and quality?
- This is also a question many people ask. Currently, due to the prevalence of rock, there are many places selling stones mixed with impurities, not guaranteed quality. This will affect the quality and efficiency of the stone. But when you buy feng shui stone products at Nha San Tay Nguyen restaurant, you no longer have to worry about the quality of the product. Because we only supply natural stone items - no impurities. Give us a call when you need it - Anytime we are happy to serve you.
Amethyst Scattered Scattered Bed
Amethyst Scattered Scattered Bed


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Address warehouse17 DT743B Street, Dong Tan Quarter, Di An Ward, Di An City, Binh Duong.

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